
The Association took part in the Forum of Directors of Moscow Oblast Parks

The First Forum of Directors of Moscow Oblast Parks was carried out in Moscow Oblast. The chairman of the Council, director of Botanical Garden of M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University Aptekarsky Ogorod (Apothecary Garden) Aleksej Reteyum and a member of the Council, director of Sokolniki park Andrey Lapshin took part in this event from Park Association of Russia.

The Forum was opened by Governor of Moscow Oblast Andrey Vorobyov who addressed to parks’ directors: “We are witnesses of great effect from your made work. Today parks of Moscow Oblast are actively filled with events. We have started a very ambitious task. Lovely, but still charmless forests of Moscow Oblast will become completely different. We are implementing the Parks in the Forest program. We are trying constantly to transform city parks, change them with the help of those who are in this hall today. Our goal is to make all people who visit our parks feel happy and enjoy the atmosphere. The key idea of the Forum is to speak the same language and to make you search something new all the time.”

The organizers of the Forum from Moscow Oblast were the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Improvement. In August 2021 Moscow Oblast took an active part in the main park exhibition of the country - ParkSeason Expo - and organized there a collective stand Parks of Moscow Oblast.

Non-Profit Corporate Organization Association for the Development of Urban Parks and Public Spaces

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